About CCMR

CCMR (http://www.ccmradvocates.org/), is the premier advocacy organization for all people with Developmental and Intellectual Disabilities, their guardians and families who support these individuals, in the Commonwealth Of Massachusetts.

Formed and incorporated in 1976 as Hogan Regional Association for Retarded Citizens, Inc., CCMR, as it is known today has grown over the last 30 plus years
from "the parents group at Hogan Regional Center" to a well respected, policy setting, influential advocacy group on the local, state and federal level.

All Massachusetts residents with DD/ID have benefited from the advocacy efforts
of CCMR. Through CCMR's affiliation with VOR (www.vor.net) a highly respected national advocacy group for people with DD/ID, CCMR and its members have influenced legislation and policy on a national level.

CCMR represents all citizens with DD/ID who live in Developmental Centers, State Operated group homes
, Vendor Operated group homes, independent living and those living at home.